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mfa authenticator

Version 0.1.1
Install Plugin


This is an Insomnia plugin that allows you to generate MFA codes using node-2fa under the hood.


You can install this plugin manually by searching for its name, or you can automatically install it by visiting this link and clicking the Install Plugin button. This action will open the Insomnia application and install the plugin for you.

Manual Installation

If you prefer to install the plugin manually, follow these steps:

  1. Open Insomnia.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Open the Plugins Tab.
  4. Type insomnia-plugin-mfa-authenticator in the input box and then click "Install Plugin".

How to use the plugin?

This plugin provides Template Tags, similar to environment variables in Insomnia.

alt text Here's an example screenshot of a request payload. You can press CTRL + Space to use it just like an environment variable.

alt text When updating the tag, you can use a static value for a single request.

alt text Alternatively, you can link the value to an environment variable, allowing you to use the same value for multiple requests.

Patch Notes

  • Version 0.1.1
    • Update dependencies
    • Transitioned to TypeScript for improved code reliability.
    • Added unit tests to ensure functionality across updates.

The flexibility is yours in how you choose to use it. Enjoy!.