Extend Insomnia with powerful plugins and fresh themes.
A flat-design retro theme for Insomnia, featuring soothing, nostalgia-infused color palettes.
Run all requests in a folder in parallel or sequential.
The HashiCorp Vault plugin fetches the KV secret from HashiCorp Vault
Insomnia Plugin fetches secrets from 1Password via the CLI (op).
Template tag for evaluating a time with added (or removed) seconds to it.
Preview images returned by the GenAI endpoints like Stable Diffusion Web UI, SwarmUI and Dall-E API.
A blueish color scheme for Insomnia - Based on Iceberg Theme from Cocopon
This plugin adds template tags for generating random texts, numbers and phone numbers
An Insomnia plugin for generating digital signatures using various SHA hash algorithms (SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) with RSA
Converts a YAML request body to JSON before sending the request
Este plugin para Insomnia permite generar RUT y nombres chilenos de manera aleatoria, ideal para desarrolladores que necesitan datos de prueba realistas y especΓficos del mercado chileno.
Generates Hash signatures for request bodies and values
Generates a Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) based on the MFA secret
Generate ULIDs (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers) for testing and unique identifiers in API requests.
Please consider using it only if the banner is truly bothersome to you.
Manage dynamic profiles with data and seamlessly integrate them into your requests
Always ready with the latest oAuth 2 token as template variable. Have a stress-free coding/testing!
Count and list the amount of occurrences of a regex or string in the response body
Either signs a Bearer token in the Authorization header or injects our half_api_key authentication payload into the request body.
Use Ansible Vault encrypted file to store sensitive information.
Add support for generated values via a TemplateTag in Insomnia by the execution of Javascript code stored in an environment variable or a .js file having its path in the environment variable
A simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions β dark, light and mirage for all day long comfortable work.
SAML Assertion generator plugin for Insomnia to obtain OAuth tokens from SAP SuccessFactors, as described in SAP Documentation https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_SUCCESSFACTORS_PLATFORM/d599f15995d348a1b45ba5603e2aba9b/4e27e8f6ae2748ab9f23228dd6a31b06.html?locale=en-US. Based on the npm package "saml" from auth0.
A plugin to perform validation on the response & run all requests of folder
This plugin tries to detect timestamps and adds a property with the timestamp in ISO format.
Generate Atlassian ASAP and SLAUTH tokens seamlessly
A theme based in the catppuccin mocha color palette.
Automatically generate and import GraphQL operations to your Insomnia Workspace!
Useful for setting the X-XSRF-TOKEN header in Laravel applications using Sanctum.
Unofficial Ellucian Ethos Plugin to generate Access Token for Insomnia
The Unleashed API Auth Signature plugin creates an unleashed specific api HMAC-SHA256 signature, using your API key as the secret key.
Replace HTML entities in URLs with their respective symbols
This plugin allows users to sync workspaces in a configured repository.
Reads from SSO populated AWS credentials for signing IAM V4 secured endpoints
Plugin for keeping iiko access token always fresh
Use dark color schema and adds Princess Luna img to background
Plugin to sync your insomnia collections and environments with Scalefast GitLab
Pretty print request / response in various formats
Fake/Random template tags for testing APIs
Generates HMAC signatures for request bodies and values in query string
Night Storm Theme. A dark theme for Insomnia made with love
This Plugin uses an Insomnia Environment to generate JWT's for calling various Twitch Extension endpoints. It'll also smooth development by also JSON-ifing some payloads (yay nested JSON)
Plugin to sync your insomnia collections and environments with GitLab or Github
This plugin provides workspace-wide JWT authentication. Tokens are automatically renewed when they expire. Simply define a request in the workspace as an authorization endpoint and reference the token in the response via JSONPath or XPath.
Scope of this plugin is to share your request collections easily with others
This plugin offers a workspace export function which obfuscates your secret values that you don't want to be exposed in the export file.
This plugin provides access to Keepass and KeepassXC for fetching credentials.
Hack into Insomnia to support GQL Fragments. Use the body of a new empty request and add the fragment to the body. Where you want to use fragment in gql the following : {% fragment 'req_12345' %}. Fragments can be duplicated or never used in the request body, they will be removed in the request hooks.
Re-formats json body message as a BrokeredMessage in order to trigger Azure non-HTTP Functions
Official Dracula Theme. A dark theme for many editors, shells, and more.
This plugin adds a responseHook that handles OAuth2 token responses and provides it for the use in other requests.
A stripped down version of the Response Template tag (https://www.npmjs.com/package/insomnia-plugin-response) that uses JSONata (https://jsonata.org/) instead of JSONpath
This plugin allows users to sync workspaces in a configured repository.
This plugin allows users to easily import/export workspace to a configured file.
A simple insomnia plugin to easily authenticate and perform request to Coinbase.com using API_KEY.
Plugin that allows users sync workspaces in a gist on Gitlab and soon, Github.
transforms XML responses into Json by removing XML tags
Gerador de documentos Brasileiro. Nome|CPF|CNFJ|telefone|cep
Plugin that allows users sync workspaces in a gist on Gitlab and soon, Github.
This plugin allows users to sync workspaces in a configured repository.
Generates HMAC signatures for request bodies and values
For interfacing with Kong API Gateway using HMAC authentication. Useful for when you are using the Kong plugin: https://docs.konghq.com/hub/kong-inc/hmac-auth/
An Insomnia plugin for generating JWTs following Supabase Auth standard
Generate Starkbank Authentication Headers and sign with ECDSA using your private key
The Batch Requests plugin can repeatedly send a request, replacing data with information taken from a CSV file. The response can be used to fill other columns of the CSV file.
Adds a tag for accessing the OAuth2 token of one request in other requests.
Copy of Marco Maldonado's theme with a few hidden UI elements for features behind the login
Allows you to use a date as a template tag and allows basic addition.
Create new functions from arguments passed as key and value or in generic format and generate the values in the result you want
The Basic-Auth-Header templateTag generates a base64 encoded header string from a username and password. ("Basic <base64>")
--- - #### nats/queuename -- default is: localhost:4222 - #### nats:port/queuename -- default is: localhost - #### nats:url:port/queuename
Get AWS credentials from any profile present in your ~/.aws/credentials file.
Allows you to use a datetime as a template tag and allows basic addition.
This plugin hides the request history for those who don't want to expose it
An Insomnia plugin to retrieve aws credentials from file for use with IAM authentication
Allows you to use a date as a template tag and allows basic addition.
This plugin allows to make authenticated requests to the DogeCash API.
A set of utilities that can be used to query Azure Resource Manager API.
For setting X-XSRF-TOKEN header in request from XSRF-TOKEN cookie in Laravel applications.
This plugin adds an option to each folder's drop-down menu so that all requests within can be ran automatically in order. The original code was taken from https://support.insomnia.rest/article/26-plugins#folder-actions and the author is Greg Schier, creator of insomnia.rest.
This plugin lets you insert cookie key-value pairs, separated by a delimiter, where ever you need them
Insomnia plugin for splitting string by delimeter in environment variables
A simple Insomnia plugin to bring back the old colorful HTTP method indicators.
An Insomnia plugin to retrieve aws credentials for use with IAM authentication, with sessionToken support
Insert fault properties within your calls (eg. username and passwords)
An Insomnia plugin for running all or conditional requests in a folder.
Generate Authorization header for Akamai API with akamai-edgegrid package
Adds a JSON Web Signature header to HTTP requests by using the request body as detached payload.
Authenticator generates two-factor authentication codes in Insomnia
Parse response body using JavaScript and environment variables
Allows you to use a date as a template tag and allows basic date & time addition.
Generate an HMAC on the req. body with nonce and secret. Based on Benjamin LETELLIER plugin: insomnia-plugin-request-body-hmac-query-string
The plugin that generates stripe test card/bank account tokens
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Insomnia color scheme by Arctic Ice Studio.
Support Base64 Encode/Decode When Has Header Value: _base64_
An Insomnia plugin that asks for confirmation before sending a request, useful for production environments.
Define path parameters in Query tab like Swagger (using single curly brackets e.g.: {foo}, {foobar})
Plugin to send request to API Gateway with AWS Cognito and AWS IAM authorization type
Allows you to run JS on the output of the builtin response template tag.
Modifies query parameters to use colons instead of ampersand to pass parameters in the URL.
Simple Insomnia REST Client plugin template, built for create-insomnia-plugin
Insomina plugin that adds a template tag to get the value of a cookie from another request.
A (subjectively) better way to chain requests in insomnia/inso CLI
Generate auths for Elemental rest interfaces, adding all headers in all requests.
Adds an HMAC authentication header to Veracode API requests in Insomnia
this plugin will auto set authorization header after get token from login api response
Adds support for HMAC Authentication when using Optimizely's ContentGraph service
This plugin will auto set the bearer authorization header with a jwt token, after its received from a login api response
Allows you to run JS on the output of the builtin response template tag.
An Insomnia plugin to retrieve aws credentials for use with IAM authentication
Plugin providing a Template Tag to generate random iban codes.
Sends a desktop notification once all requests in a folder have completed running
This plugin allow the use in the template of a request the powerful random api from nanoid
Automatically retrieves auth tokens from cookies allowing their use in requests. Will automatically refresh tokens when necessary
This plugin allows to make authenticated requests to the Bybit API.
Generates HMAC signatures for request bodies and values (Bruno version)
An Insomnia plugin to retrieve aws credentials for use with IAM authentication
This plugin is written to specifically help authenticate API requests for goTom.io from insomnia.
The purpose of this theme is to focus more on the looks of Visual Studio's dark theme, rather than VS Code's.
Helper template tags for interacting with GitHub Apps using Insomnia
Creates JWT for accessing IAP protected app engine services using service account credentials
Plugin for Insomnia to provide Cognito Identity login from AWS
ElasticSearch AWS4 Request
An Insomnia Plugin that forces a delay in milliseconds before making requests
This plugin removes the CDATA tags from server responses that returns a XML within it.
mock chinese id card in insominia rest client, support for the selection of adult, minor, male or famale
Insomnia REST client plugin template tag to pull data from JSON strings using the JSONata library
Format input value with chosen algorithm, it could be raw value or body from http response
Plugin for Insomnia to provide access to parameter store
Plugin for Insomnia to provide Secrets from AWS such as API keys
This plugin adds an option to each folder's drop-down menu so that all requests within can be ran automatically in order and show results specific for GraphQL. The original code was taken from https://www.npmjs.com/package/insomnia-plugin-run-folder and the author is [Daniel Castro].
HMAC authentication as described by https://github.com/acquia/http-hmac-spec
Formats and expands JSON:API responses if `X-Expand-JSONAPI` header is present on the request
Generates the X-Ovh-Signature for OVH Cloud API requests.
A (very!) hacky way to support insomnia plugins in inso-cli
Automatically adds the Authorization header for Ingenico requests
A port of the Material Darker (High Contrast) theme for the Insomnia REST client.
Reference values (such as headers or OAuth2 token) from other request's responses - extensions
Complex Insomnia REST Client plugin template, built for create-insomnia-plugin
This plugin lets you insert cookie key-value pairs, separated by a delimiter, where ever you need them
Provides a current timestamp with addition in seconds format (when multiplier is set to 1)
Insomnia PlugIn to sign requests using ED25519 scheme as utilised by Discord
Allow specifying one or more properties in the response body to be parsed as JSON
A plugin for Insomnia client that generates random and valid CNPJ values, punctuated or not.
An Insomnia plugin to help making posting to Google Sheets' API easier
Decode a JWT (JSON Web Token) and add it to the response for easy readability
Generate fake date using Faker.js and pass the result to Moment.js in Insomnia
creates WSSE Auth header based on parameters passed in environment variables
Generates signatures for request bodies and values
Helps you to keep track of your OAuth2 tokens and stores them based on environment ID (but not not in the environment itself)
Authenticates to custom backend and Firebase, then retrieves idToken
Super simple plugin to allow piping a environment variable through a custom function (for instance to lowercase everything) Mainly created for private usage
Allow for signing queries and transactions via Fluree's HTTP API
An Insomnia plugin that will decode your current JWT token and allow you to reference it in your request.
Encrypt strings compatible with Illuminate's Encrypter for PHP
Add X-Twilio-Signature header to sign your requests as if they're coming from Twilio.
All private FTX API calls require an authentication `SIGN` header (HMAC-SHA256) (see [here](https://docs.ftx.com/?python#authentication).
Insomnia plugin to generate random S prefix NRIC (National Registration Identity Card). Identity document used in Singapore.
A simple insomnia plugin to make syncing workspaces a little bit easier
Retrieves JWT tokens from other requests and makes them available for use.
Template tag to retrieve parameters from AWS SSM Parameter Store
A template tag for the api_sig parameter in frob based authentication
Converte XML em JSON usando a template tag {{ xmlToJson '<xml>...</xml>' }}