Design and preview new APIs with OpenAPI

Leverage OpenAPI with a spec-driven, design-first approach to accelerate development and build beautiful APIs.


Design APIs collaboratively

Use Insomnia to create APIs with a spec-first approach. Leverage OpenAPI, live API previews, and more.


Collections, tests & mocks

After the design specs are created, auto-generate the API collections, tests, and mocks.


Ensure quality automation

Automatically validate OpenAPI specs with the Inso CLI and custom linting rules.


Live OpenAPI preview

As you create OpenAPI design specifications, see a live preview of the routes you have generated, with the possibility of testing the requests immediately.


Generate collections and tests

When the OpenAPI specification is ready, complete your workflow by generating request collections, API tests, and API mocks for your API specifications.


Automate your workflow with CLI

With the Inso CLI, automate the validation and linting of the OpenAPI specifications using your existing Git workflows. The CLI can also generate API infrastructure configuration if you use Insomnia with Kong Gateway.

Ready to design your APIs?

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