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Lagoon token

Version 0.2.9
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A plugin for Insomnia which automatically fetches a token from the Lagoon GraphQL API, in the manner described in the docs.



  • Use this in a browser insomnia://plugins/install?name=insomnia-plugin-lagoon-token
  • Open Insomnia, Click on the Cog Top Right, Click Plugins and use insomnia-plugin-lagoon-token as the Package to install
  • Find this plugin on the Insomnia Plugins list instead!

In case there's an error when installing as above, go into the plugins directory and run npm install insomnia-plugin-lagoon-token manually.


  1. Create an environment and set the Lagoon GraphQL API endpoint:

        "lagoon_graphql_url": ""
  2. If you have already set up your ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 or ~/.ssh/id_rsa to talk to Lagoon, skip to step 4.

  3. Create an Environment using the following template:

        "lagoon_graphql_url": "",
        "lagoon_graphql_token": "[your-token]", # Not required nor recommended.
        "lagoon_ssh_host": "",
        "lagoon_ssh_port": 32222,
        "lagoon_ssh_private_key": "/your/user/home/.ssh/id_ed25519"

    You can also specify an SSH agent:

      "lagoon_ssh_auth_sock": "/your/custom/agent.sock"
  4. Create a request with url {{ _.lagoon_graphql_url }} and set the environment created in step 1. Make sure to check Enabled in the Bearer tab, but leave the TOKEN empty.

    The plugin will fetch the token (when lagoon_graphql_token is not provided) and add it as a bearer token to the header. The Content-Type header is also set to application/json automatically.

  5. Profit.


The plugin expects the following variables in the environment:

  • lagoon_graphql_url:
    • Description: The GraphQL endpoint for the Lagoon instance.
    • Required: Yes
    • Default[^1]:
  • lagoon_graphql_token
    • Description: A manually provided token. If this is provided, tokens won't be fetched nor renewed, and it overrides the SSH options.
    • Required: No
    • Default: -
    • Note: We highly recommend not using this option as the token will either be short-lived and you will have to manually update it yourself when it expires, or long-lived for a service account, which might pose a security risk. Use the SSH options instead (which is the default).
  • lagoon_ssh_host
    • Description: The Lagoon SSH host for fetching the token.
    • Required: No
    • Default[^1]:
  • lagoon_ssh_port
    • Description: The Lagoon SSH port.
    • Required: No
    • Default[^1]: 32222
  • lagoon_ssh_private_key
    • Description: The private key to use for SSH; this should have already been added to your user in the Lagoon UI[^2].
    • Required: No
    • Default: -
  • lagoon_ssh_auth_sock
    • Description: The SSH agent socket to use (overriding $SSH_AUTH_SOCK).
    • Required: No
    • Default: -

[^1]: Defaults are taken from the Lagoon GraphQL documentation. [^2]: Adding an SSH key to your Lagoon user: