Since Insomnia version 8 all data is saved in the cloud and cannot be accessed by this plugin. Use version 2023.5.8 of Insomnia or (Insomnium)[], if you still want to use this Plugin.
I would recommend switching to another API-Client like Bruno.
Insomnia plugin for exporting and importing insomnia Projects into Git repositories.
⚠️ This plugin accesses Insomnia data directly. It is recommended to back up Insomnia data before using it. Insomnia may introduce changes that break this Plugins functionality. If you have problems after an Update, please create a new issue.
must be installedInsomnia
project, you must create a other project.Configure project
symbol in the left sidebarproject.json
fileThis plugins injects new Buttons into the Insomnia ui.
-Button allowes to open a folder with an project.json
from an exported project and import it into InsomniaExport Project
export the project and all its workspaces into the configured folderImport Project
import data from configured folder, Insomnia will restart for thisConfigure project
Open a dialog to configure the project.Commit changes
exports the project data and commits itPush
push all commits to the current remote branchFetch
fetch new commits from the remote repositoryPull
pull new commits from current remote branchExport workspace to Git
export just this workspace into the configured folderImport workspace from Git
import just this workspace from the configured folderRequirements
Clone the repostitory and add the path to the additional plugin path (Settings > General > Additional Plugin Path)
Use yarn run watch
to auto rebuild the project when changes are made.
Use npx eslint src --ext .ts,.tsx --fix
to execute eslint