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env authentication

Version 1.0.2
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This plugin allows you to configure your request authentication in your environment.


Basic usage

The plugin is configured to search for either the 'auth' or the 'auth_settings' key in your environment. In this object you can define your value just like you would in the 'auth' tab.

Here's an example:

  "auth_settings": {
    "accessTokenUrl": "http://some-website.test/oauth/token",
    "grantType": "password",
    "type": "oauth2"
    "clientId": 9,
    "clientSecret": "secret",
    "password": "secret",
    "username": ""

Layered environments

You may also combine the auth_settings and auth keys, this can be usefull if you define different environments in your folders, here's an example:

Note: Environment keys get overwritten by Insomnia, not merged. Hence the available auth_settings an auth keys.

Main environment:

    // define that every request should use oauth2
    "auth_settings": {
        "accessTokenUrl": "http://some-website.test/oauth/token",
        "grantType": "password",
        "type": "oauth2"

Users folder environment:

    // Define your user for this folder
    "auth": {
        "clientId": 9,
        "clientSecret": "secret",
        "password": "secret",
        "username": ""