Announcing Insomnia 2021.1

TL;DR Insomnia Designer and Insomnia Core are now Insomnia. Insomnia Designer users will have to migrate to the new Insomnia application and Designer will no longer receive updates.

When we originally built Insomnia Designer, we didn't want to make large changes to Insomnia without understanding whether the changes would be useful to developers, with the release of Insomnia Designer we were praised for not making these changes directly inside of Insomnia at first. However, over the course of the year through user feedback and observation was users moving away from Insomnia Core, to Designer some of its features and enhancements such as the Dashboard, Git Sync, and Unit Testing capabilities.

Based on this user feedback, observations and internal discussions, we've merged Insomnia Designer and Insomnia Core.

What does this mean for Insomnia Core?

Users of Insomnia Core will automatically get the new update through the auto-update release channel, or can download the new update directly from the Downloads page or the Github releases page.

For existing users, there are a few notable changes:

  • Dashboard for managing request collections (previously known as workspaces)
  • Sync menu has been moved to the top right of the header
  • Sync pull menu has been moved to the dashboard next to create menu

For a complete list of changes see the changelog.

What does this mean for Insomnia Designer?

All functionality of Insomnia Designer is now available in the latest single release of Insomnia. Insomnia Designer users upon download of the latest version will be prompted to migrate data, plugins and settings.

Moving forward the Insomnia Designer application will no longer receive updates.

For a complete list of changes see the changelog.

What can we expect in the future?

I want to end this post by stating directly that this does not mean design is less of a priority, or that we won't be working on design functionality, this is exactly the opposite. It's now a core part of what Insomnia is. This release is just the start of the features and functionality that comes from this merge:

  • Adding ability to group request collections and design documents in the dashboard
  • Adding ability to use unit testing for request collections
  • Adding plugin APIs for dashboard and design functionality
  • Adding git sync support for request collections
  • Adding ability to automatically generate specifications from request collections
  • Improved theming support for the dashboard and design functionality.
  • and more…

Last but not least

🤗 A huge shout out to everyone who worked on this release, and came together to get it out of the door. Not only that but everyone who submitted PRs who didn't make the cut this release but will be in the next few releases as well.

Written by
Nijiko Yonskai
Published on